"The Path That Leads To Habitual Success"
Someday, a motivational writer, editor and public speaker will come along with the talent, skill and ability to effectively communicate to each and everyone of us, that we were all born, and still have, a no-limit mind that will, with total certainty, create for you, any size dream-life you can imagine in your own mind.
Regardless of the negative opinions of the people you know, or the people you may meet, who learn of your great, grand or outrageous ideas, as they try to discourage you while you're busy converting your big ideas into the realities in your life, ignore them all and keep going! The real winners in life never, ever, give up.
The big trick is, to totally ignore every BS limitation smaller minded people have tried to inflict on you since the day you were born and the uncertainties you, all by yourself, have created in your own mind. When you can do this, you will be an unstoppable force in your world.
Learn the skill of learning, it is the beginning of building a financial security blanket around you and all those you care about. The best knowledge is 'learned from the giants', the people who have already done what you want to do.
As you convert your knowledge into actions and activities that CAUSE SUCCESS you will be on a one man - one woman, one-way, success journey that will take you to the best places life has to offer. When I talk about 'the best places', I'm talking about you having the total, unbridled FREEDOM to do, be or become the person you, in your heart of hearts, have always wanted to be.
Life is ---not--- a dress rehearsal. You only get one shot at this 'Game of Life'. Learn as many of the rules as you can, as early in life as you can, about the causes of success, and then, you'll have the bullet-proof self-confidence to play 'The Game of Life' better than anyone else.
Past attempts at doing something that didn't work out don't mean anything. The only question is, did you get up again and ask... "What's next?"
At 70+ years of age, this course is a compilation of ideas related to what, why and how people successfully have done what they do. It's a collection accumulated over 50+ years of my life. These ideas have guided me through a wonderful life where I felt like I was 'getting paid to go to recess'.
My goal for you is, to grow to a point in your life where you have 'total peace of mind in every area of your life'.